Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Saving Money and Helping the Environment

These days there's plenty of talk about the environment, even among financial professionals. Green tax credits have become a very hot topic of conversation in recent years. As you know, government agencies have been working to help clean up the environment and they need all the help they can get. In order to get help from businesses, they have come up with some incentives in the form of tax credits for companies that implement environmentally friendly practices as part of their business. Like any other tax credit, though, your company will need to meet certain requirements to be eligible for these environmental credits. An Orlando accountant can help you to find out which credits your company is eligible for.

Working Smarter

The gist of the Green tax credits is to reward companies for working smarter in today's competitive business world. It's easy for companies to continue with business as usual, but companies that are working smart to help the environment are eligible for some pretty significant credits. There are plenty of actions that may make your company eligible for these credits. Here are a few examples:

  • Using solar power for productivity
  • Using hybrid vehicles for company business
  • Upgrading to more efficient cooling systems

These are just a few things that may make your company eligible for these valuable tax credits. You don't have to be leading the way in ecological movements, simply taking action to be a responsible steward of the environment. To find out how your business can benefit from these tax credits, speak with an Orlando CPA to get the guidance you need. Accountants specialize in understanding the tax laws and they can help your company to understand which credits you may be eligible for on this year's tax returns.

Wind turbines (Vendsyssel, Denmark, 2004)Image via Wikipedia
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